Vol 9 Ana our student ambassador: Education System | SeAMK Blogit

Vol 9 Ana our student ambassador: Education System

SeAMK Kampus

Hey hey!

Today, I want to talk you about the Finnish Educative System. As you know, one of the main
reasons why I chose Finland to study during a year was the educative system, because as
everybody knows, it is one of the best in the world, so I wanted to feel this system by myself.
First of all, Finland has the shortest schooldays in western world, and almost 66% students go to
college. One of the results of this evidence is that almost 69% can speak more than one foreign
language, which is so good for the Finnish people.

Also, children go to the school when they are young children, which is easier to make
relationship and it´s good for parents who can combine work with children. Then, children go to
the preschool education, later they go to comprehensive education, after that they go to upper
secondary education, and finally they go to vocational study or higher education (which should
be vocational too). This educative system is very similar to the Spanish system, but in practise,
the Finnish education system is very different for some reasons. The biggest difference which
I´ve seen is that in Finland, teachers are respected by everybody, because they are the basis of
education. Other difference that I´ve seen is that here, the courses are focused in learn day to
day, and in Spain we should study by ourselves and we haven´t got so practical exercises as we
have here, so we usually should learn a subject not practicing it, and it´s more difficult to learn,
so we haven´t got the information so fixed in our memory like we have here.

Another aspect that has caught my attention is that here we can stay in the University the full
day, attending class, working with a group, studying, eating, or being relaxed in the comfortable
zones for students. I think that it´s perfect to disconnect some minutes and be able to continue
the class with attention. Also, here we can leave class whenever we want and it´s very different,
because in Spain we must ask for permission if we want to go out, or drink something in class,
which I think is not necessary, but nowadays we still have. Also, I think that one of the key
aspects which make the Finnish Educative system so good, is that here we can use all the
educative sources whenever we want, without previous request; for example, we can go into
the University or classes without students in this moment to use it for our independent study
from 07:30 to 22:00 every days, including weekends, so we feel free to go to the University with
any restriction, and I think that it is good because it motivates the independent work.

I have only studied here one three months and a half, but I think that I will learn a lot about this
system, and I will miss this system when I will return to my home University.

Class inside the university, which is usually used for seminars.