International Week 2021: Tamara Mulders and Geraldine Visser

We choose this topic because it is innovative and of great importance in the near future and the use of robots is also part of an ethical discussion.
Some quotes concerning the lecture:
Teacher Maria: “Your lecture was really interesting and I think students liked it too. I saw some of the students after lecture and they said that it was really interesting and made them start to think more of these kind of things”.
Student Emilia: “Thank you! Awesome and interesting lecture!”
It is of great importance and gives inspiration to meet and work together, making your world and view bigger than just your own environment. Even in Covid times. Mayby now it is even more important to stay in contact although real life experiences can’t be beaten by meeting one another online but it is a good alternative! Let’s keep on working like this and we can also do this beside an international week.
The cooperation with SeamK is always a pleasure. It is nice to know that we have a flexible international partner which is open to all kinds of cooperation, whether it is student or teachers exchange. We hope this way of working together will last so much longer.