International Week 2021: Aleksander Zidanšek

What was the topic of your lecture? Why did you choose it?
I selected the Competences for Factories of the Future because I understood that the students were interested in learning more about the exciting possibilities to improve manufacturing that are introduced by the 4th industrial revolution and the advent of the smart machines. These opportunities require committed and passionate bright young minds, and my intention was to inspire students for solving the most difficult contemporary challenges.
What is best in international cooperation and teaching exchanges?
It is always good to meet people from other cultural environments because we can learn a lot from one another and exchange best practices in education.
What would you like to say about the cooperation with SeAMK?
This was my first contact with SeAMK. Following the interesting exchange of ideas both during the lecture and at the roundtable in the afternoon, I look forward to future fruitful cooperation with SeAMK in new projects that would target innovative teaching methods and competence development.
Professor Aleksander Zidanšek
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jožef Stefan Institute
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at University of Maribor
World Academy of Art&Science Fellow, Club of Rome Associate Member