Vol 2 Ana our student ambassador from Spain tells: Why did I choose Seinäjoki to study abroad?

Hey hey!
Today, I want to talk you about why I chose Seinäjoki to study abroad.
First of all, I would like to remind you that I am a third year student from the University of León (Spain), where I study International Trade Degree. As a part of this degree, there is a commitment: All the International Trade students must do a compulsory stay in in a foreign university centre anywhere in the world. This stay must last at least one semester.
For this reason, before began my degree I knew that I would must to do this stay abroad, so I used to check the different countries which my University used to offer. At the beginning I was confused about where could I go, because the only thing which I had clear was that I wanted to learn a lot of English in this country, and I would learn a lot of this language in all the countries proposed, so it continued difficult.
After that, I found the key aspect: I was excited to study in a country with a very good educational system, and evidently Finland was this country, because as we all know, Finland has on many occasions been listed as the country with the best educational system in the world, and of course, I needed to feel it. Then, I searched more information about the educative system and the country, and I saw that both of them were really different to my country, and I was wishing I could feel that change. For this reason, Finland was in my mind, although I chose another 3 countries which were also interesting for me (Seinäjoki in the first position) because I needed these countries in case I could not get into Seinajöki University of Applied Sciences.
After this decision, the selection process began, and it was a stress period because we needed to be clear with our choice, to fill a lot of documents, and of course, continue with our course, exams, and normal days at University. But I will talk you about this process period in my next post, which will be available very soon.
I hope all of you have enjoyed reading my post, and if you have any comment, or you want to give me ideas for new blog posts, feel free in commenting my posts; I will consider all the recommendation!
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