Reflections from Independent Study Week: Interviews from Campus | SeAMK Blogit

Reflections from Independent Study Week: Interviews from Campus

Ikkunasta ulospäin otettu kuva SeAMKin Kampuksesta lokakuussa

A rare silence has descended on the campus. The hallways are empty, and only a few people can be found spending time here. Most students are enjoying their independent study week off-campus, but some still have tasks to attend to onsite. As a communications intern, I decided to explore the thoughts and moods of the few who were around. My best success was at Kampustalo, where dedicated students sought a quiet study space. Naturally, I went to disturb them. 

I bravely approached my first interviewee. The surprised online student didn’t have time to react before the marketing and communications intern (me) was already too close. 

 Reetta, Master’s Degree in Social Services, second-year student 

I asked Reetta what she likes to do in Seinäjoki during the fall. 

“Spending time in the forest and near fire pits (“laavu” in Finnish). The library is also a good place to spend time at.” she replied. 

 Next, I asked how she plans to relax during the independent study week. 

“I’ll head home a bit earlier” she said, referring to her hybrid studies on campus. 

 Reetta couldn’t escape my questions, so I inquired further about her favorite fall activities. 

“Outdoor activities and jogging, especially at Hallilanvuori. Going to the park is also nice” she shared. 

 Finally, I asked what’s going on with her studies at this time of year. 

“You can do self-paced study whenever it suits you best” she noted. 

 I thanked Reetta for the interview and let her get back to her studies. 

Moving across the river to the other side of the SeAMK Campus

Monet nauttivat itsenäisen työn viikosta kampuksen ulkopuolella. Kampuksella on hiljaista.
A snapshot of me, Tsumppi wasn’t open ☹.

 After this interview, I continued my search for new subjects at Frami F. The situation there was particularly quiet. I met two staff members at work, Asmo and Juho. According to them, it was a busy workday, as when students are away, they use the time to inspect and repair classrooms and other facilities. 

Both workers mentioned they enjoy spending time in nature, appreciating the peace it offers, much like the calm atmosphere that the campus provides during this quiet time. 

My little adventure ended here. Next week, campus life will be back in full swing. See you then. 

Helmi, Marketing and Communications Intern, S2024