International Week 2021: Anke Knoblauch

What was the topic of your lecture? Why did you choose it?
The lecture was about “How to work with microorganisms …”. It`s covered some fundamentals from interdisciplinary topics of food and biotechnology using the example of salami production and how the growth of microorganisms can be influenced. This topic is relevant for students in degree programs at our two partner universities.
What is best in international cooperation and teaching exchanges?
It is very exciting to look beyond the horizon and discuss relevant topics internationally. I hope that the exchange of students and teachers across borders will open up new perspectives and research opportunities.
What would you like to say about the cooperation with SeAMK?
The Industrial Biotechnology course at Ansbach UAS has been cooperating with SeAMK in the area of teaching for several years. SeAMK offers an interesting english-language exchange program for students and we have realized teacher exchange on both sides. I hope that the cooperation will also expand into the research area in the future.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Knoblauch
Fakultät Technik
Hochschule Ansbach