Insight in my Courses, part 9

Hello everyone!
„Foreign Trade Operations“ is one of the 8 courses I enrolled in. This course started in week 40 and ends in week 49. Moreover, this course was credited with 5 ECTS. The grade of this course consists of an online exam and a group presentation.
In this course we basically talked about the process of trade over boundaries. Thereby, we considered trade within the EU, domestic trade and trade outside the EU. At the beginning of this course the lecturer told us that we are going to have an online exam. This online exam was taken on moodle and was available for 2 weeks. This means we could decide when to take the exam and there were no restrictions. We could basically start the exam, pause it and continue whenever we like. The lecturer divided her lectures into 5 topics which were: International Trade Processes, International Trade Documents, Incoterms, Payments in foreign trade and Trade inside EU and Export Trade. The online exam was also divided into these 5 topics and we had the concept of multiple choice. The lecturer focused on realistic company situations. Therefore, she gave us numerous examples in order to let us understand how trade in foreign countries work. The exam makes up 50 % of our final grade. The other 50 % comes from the group work. The group work is an export plan. We needed to form groups consisting of maximum 6 people. Our task is to establish an export plan. This export plan should include all we learned in the previous lectures. The export plan will not be presented in front of the whole course members just like usual group presentations. The emphasis of this course was the realistic approach of foreign trade. That is why my lecturer decided that the export plan should be presented by the group members to the lecturer in an office. This scenario should just depict how business meetings happen in reality. In almost every lecture we played Kahoot. Kahoot is a game played online. There the lecturer gives us students the access online and asks questions which then get answers by students individually on their devices. This game helps to revise on the discussed topics briefly.
I can recommend this course because it helped us to understand the concept of companies doing trade in other countries and it made the complex procedure understandable to us students.
In case of any questions, feel free to contact me.
Lovely regards,
#SeAMK #studentambassador #seinäjoki #seamkstudents