Insight in my Courses, part 4

Hello everyone,
I would like to give a little sneak peek in my enrolled courses at SeAMK. You will get to know what I learned in the courses and what we basically did in the courses.
The first course I am going to talk about is „Doing Business in English“. This course is credited with 3 ECTS. Man, I loved this course! This course started in week 36 and ended in week 45. Mainly this course was divided in 2 groups and each group had approximately 20 students I guess. In total I had 12 Lectures in this course. The reason why I loved this course is simply because my lecturer was so open-minded. My course consisted of people coming from Germany, Spain, Belgium, Italy and France (Sorry if I forgot a nationality!) and therefore, everybody had a different accent when speaking english. My lecturer told us straight at the beginning that this is absolutely fine. English today is a world language and is spoken by many. Not coming from the United Kingdom or United States of America does not mean that one can’t speak „proper“ english. She encouraged each and everyone of this course to speak and she believed in us from the first lecture till the last lecture without knowing us. This course was divided in mainly 2 parts – the spoken tasks and the written tasks. The goal was to enhance our english in the business environment. Speaking english in Business and in every day life is slightly different as you might know. At the beginning of this course we formed groups each consisting of 3 students. This groups have been mainly working together from the beginning till the end. Each group was allocated to a company chosen by the lecturer. By being responsible for one company, the groups have been doing tasks connected to the company. The spoken tasks were about holding a 1- minute pitch about a product of the company chosen by the group members, the second task was to hold a 20-minute presentation about the product and the third spoken task was about holding a negotiation. All over the time we got well prepared in the lectures for the tasks ahead. We spoke a lot and it made a lot of fun to be so active in the class. At the end of this course we had our written task which was graded by the lecturer. After doing all the spoken tasks we prepared for the last task which was the written task. The written task was a product description. It was about the one product each group chose from its‘ company right at the beginning of this course.
Believe me, at the end of this course which took place in 6 weeks, each group is well aware of its‘ company and the chosen product. The pitches and presentations were so good. I thought we are all working for the companies, lol.
Stay tuned for the next course descriptions from me.
Lovely regards,
M-M. Aboagye
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